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30 Funny pranks for kids to play at school

Set the clock forward 10 minutes, or replace it with a clock that runs backwards.

Ask for an extra copy of each handout, for your invisible friend sitting next to you.

At a completely random time, put up your hand to ask a question. When the teacher picks you, ask a question about a different subject and pretend you thought it was that class.

Draw a smiley face on a piece of paper and talk to it.

Get access to a pay phone can call your teacher during class time.

Get everyone in the class to start humming softly, and gradually hum louder.

Get large amounts of people to cough or sneeze all the time in class or in the hall.

Go up to the teacher but face the empty space next to him/her and ask if you can go to the office to get your medicine for hallucinations.

Have a student survey and grade the teachers according to how well they teach, how kind they are, etc.

Just randomly stand up excitedly and yell some random comment towards the teacher. Like, "I like your pants!" in a dandy, yet excited and confident manner. Then just sit down as if nothing ever happened.

Keep asking questions about things the teacher was talking about 5 minutes ago.

Make fake school notices and distribute them to teachers, telling them that they don't have class when they actually do. Or tell them there's no school on a particular day.

Write a notice on the bulletin board or blackboard announcing that class is canceled for the day. Works best with the last class of the day.

Pretend to pee in your pants while doing an oral report (use a squeeze bottle filled with water).

Pretend you lost a contact lense and ask the teacher to let everyone help search for it.

Put your hand up, and when the teacher acknowledges you, just say "I'm pointing at the ceiling".

Repeat everything the teacher says right after him/her to confirm that you agree. When they ask you to stop, say "but I love you so!!"

Say you're invisible and when people say you're not, start crying.

Superglue a coin to the ground and watch people try to pick it up.

Tell your teacher that you don't do homework because it's against your religion.

Unplug the mouse and keyboard from the computer and say it froze.

While taking a test, get up about halfway through and point at the teacher or someone random and scream "You ruined christmas" and then storm out of the room, slamming the door on your way out.

Warn new students about horrible teachers before they find out the hard way.

When a teacher asks you for your homework, angrily exclaim that you are a member of Greenpeace or the Earth Liberation Front, and that the mass slaughter of innocent trees is unacceptable.

When the teacher calls roll, after each name scream "THAT'S MEEEEE!!! Oh, no, sorry."

Address the teacher as "your honour".

Hide a bunch of alarm clocks all over the class that go off at random intervals.

When the teacher leaves the room, tie a knot in the straw in their coffee.

When the teacher turns his/her attention to you and calls you to answer the question, act as if you're an undercover agent and refuse to give information.

When you have a 2000 word essay due, hand in two pictures related to the topic. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words, right?

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jacksparrow542 (at)